Mink (電脳少女☆Mink Dennō Shōjo Mink) is a magical girl manga that was written by Megumi Tachikawa the creator of Saint Tail and Dream Saga, it was published by Kodansha and serialized in Nakayoshi magazine in 2000. It was republished translated into French by Soleil Productions (fr) as Cyber Idol Mink in 2003, and in English by Tokyopop in 2004.
Mink Shiraishi and her friends Moriyama Kanoka, and Toriumi Mahoko are out shopping for the latest CD of their favourite idol Illiya, however Mink somehow ends up purchasing a mysterious CD-rom called WANNA-BE instead. She and her friends notice that they date written on it is 2099 and Kanoka who is a computer fan boots it up on her laptop and it appears to be some sort of program that will allow the user to create their own idol, the girls set about doing so and name their idol "Mink" - when suddenly the idol springs out of the laptop and merges with the real Mink! Mink finds that she can now transform into her "Cyber Idol" form by saying "WANNA-BE Stand by....setup!" and she pursues a pop career however she has been warned the robot Om who came with the WANNA-BE package that if her identity is discovered by anyone other than Kanoka and Mahoko she will be deleted as using technology from the future is a serious crime.